Keto Breads & Keto Desserts: Top Converting Health Offers!

Keto Breads Traditional Bread is the #1 Health Danger In Your Diet and Contains a Hidden Compound that Makes it Nearly IMPOSSIBLE to Burn Fat and lose Weight!

That’s why I Invested 10 YEARS of My Life to Create the World’s Healthiest Bread…

TODAY: I Reveal the Secret – So You Can Enjoy Delicious REAL Bread without Worrying about Your Health, Your Blood Sugar… or Your Waistline!

Dear Reader, Keto BreadsKelley Herring

There are few foods more comforting and enjoyable than bread…

Whether it is a warm piece of focaccia dipped in olive oil… a sandwich on a chewy baguette… a flaky croissant… or even the simplest slice of toast with butter

Just thinking about these foods makes your mouth water!

And the blissful “intoxication” you experience when you eat bread is real.

In fact, you might say bread is the original food addiction.

Traditional bread produces compounds called gluteomorphins. And as their name implies, these compounds engage opioid receptors in your brain – the same receptors triggered by drugs like morphine and heroin.

Very similar compounds, called casomorphins, are found in cheese.

That would certainly explain the euphoric rush of pleasure you feel, when biting into a crusty slice of pizza with bubbly, melted cheese!


Pizza is Doubly Addictive with Two Morphine-Like Compounds in Every Crusty-Chewy Slice!

And just to make sure you keep coming back for more – the blood-sugar spike you get from high-carb bread elevates dopamine – the “craving neurochemical” from which the word “dope” originates.

So it is no stretch of logic to say that…

Bread is a Drug that Causes a Repetitive Cycle of Cravings – for More Bread!

Woman eating bread

Our love affair with comforting (and addictive) bread is as old as recorded history…

The Bible practically commands followers to eat it: “Give us this day our daily bread…”

It was so revered in ancient Greece, that the rest of the meal was called ópson – meaning “condiment” or bread’s accompaniment.

However, that fuzzy glow you feel when you bite into a slice of warm bread is short-lived.

And, unfortunately…

Those Few Moments of
Toasty-Buttered Bliss Carry a Heavy Price


Well-known cardiologist, Dr. William Davis, calls wheat “the perfect chronic poison.”

And for a poison, we sure eat lots of it. The average American consumes 55 pounds of wheat flour every year – making refined flour the number-one source of calories in the American Diet!

Functional nutrition expert, Chris Kresser, describes this as “a public health catastrophe.”

And it’s one you have likely experienced firsthand…

Eating traditional bread can elicit a range of symptoms. It might make you feel sluggish and foggy-headed. Or cause you to gain unsightly fat on your belly, butt, and thighs… while packing deadly visceral fat around your internal organs.

And part of the reason is because of the…

Little-Known Compound that
Makes the Glycemic Index of
Wheat among the Highest of ALL Foods

You know how important it is to keep your blood sugar stable…

Rapid blood sugar and insulin spikes promote a cascade of inflammation and oxidation.

Triggering these forces over and over again dramatically increases your risk for cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, fatty liver, diabetes, macular degeneration, physical aging (wrinkles), and more!

And did you know that wheat – including so-called “healthy” whole wheat – spikes your blood sugar more than almost any other food… even when the same number of carbs is consumed?

That’s because 75% of the carbohydrates in wheat are in the form of amylopectin A.

This compound is unique because of how rapidly it is transformed into glucose.

According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating just two slices of whole wheat bread spikes your blood sugar more than drinking a can of soda, eating a candy bar or helping yourself to six teaspoons of table sugar! [1]

Glycemic index of common foods

And if the threat of diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome is not enough… the damage traditional bread can do to your gut should make you think long and hard before you butter your next biscuit!

Unfortunately, there is a BIG misconception about bread and your gut.

And it has cost millions of people their health and enjoyment in life…

Don’t Be Fooled by this Common
(and Deadly) Myth about Bread…
What You Don’t Notice CAN Hurt You!

You’re probably familiar with Celiac Disease. It is the most serious – and often life-threatening – sensitivity to grains that contain gluten.

Many who suffer this condition cannot consume even the slightest speck of wheat without severe digestive pain… and other embarrassing symptoms.

Other illnesses, like Crohn’s and inflammatory bowel disease also result in debilitating cramping, bloating and other digestive distress when wheat is consumed.

Bread can cause fire in the belly

Bread Can Cause “Fire in Your Belly”…
Even if You Feel No Digestive Distress

This leads many people to believe that as long as you can eat bread without belly problems – then you must be in the clear… no harm done!

Do not be fooled by this dangerous myth!

Truth is nearly 50% of newly-diagnosed celiac patients have no digestive symptoms! [2]

In other words, half of the people who are EXTREMELY sensitive to wheat can still consume it without the typical “stomach problems”.

The bottom line is… learn More

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